
M Cláudio: Angola Roots in Feira de Santana, Bahia

Here is an excerpt from an interview done with Mestre Cláudio of Grupo Angoleiros do Sertão of Feira de Santana, Bahia (I do not know in what year the interview was done).

If you would like to visit M Cláudio and his group, they have a great roda on Saturdays in Feira de Santana starting at 10 am in front of the Mercado Popular. There are a lot of good angoleiros there, and you should be prepared to get your samba on all afternoon following the roda!
In the 1980s, Cláudio Costa, a native of Feira de Santana, a city in the interior of the state of Bahia, founded Escola de Capoeira Angoleiros do Sertão in his hometown.

The school is headquartered in Feira de Santana and maintains affiliate groups in other cities.

Cordão Branco: Describe your introduction to Capoeira Angola.
Cláudio: My first contact with capoeira was in the sticks, when I was a boy and I watched my Uncle Domingos. Today, he lives in Salvador. Another was my Uncle Roque who made berimbaus from imbé plants.

But the greatest influence for me was when I accompanied my mother, who sold acarajé, to the market and I watched the capoeira roda. I remember the first roda at the Igreja Senhor dos Passos. In fact, I started training at the school of Mestre Di Mola, who has since passed away, in Salvador. I trained with the group for less than two years. Meanwhile, I really learned capoeira in the streets of Feira de Sanatana. From there, I made contact with other capoeira mestres in Bahia, including angoleiros. When I began, I would go to street rodas, where I met mestres Gago, Bigode, Zé Domingos, o Roque Rio and others.

Cordão Branco: Many people practice Capoeira Angola outside of Brazil. Does this make it more difficult to maintain the traditional roots of the art form?

Cláudio: It depends. If we were to analyze it, there are many responsible projects being done outside of Brazil, led by people who truly concern themselves with the roots of Capoeira Angola. My fear is that outside of Brazil, Capoeira Angola will be viewed simply as a sport. In this case, yes, the traditions which many people have died to preserve, will be compromised.


Cordão Branco: I am an angoleiro because...
Cláudio: Capoeira Angola is one of the greatest ways for me to discover myself. To find my values in a world full of differences and inequalities.

Washington DC, USA: Beginners & Kids' Classes

FICA-DC is offering a beginners' session as well as a kids' session starting in September!

If you (or a friend) has always wanted to try capoeira, here is a great opportunity.

Special Beginners class (10 classes over 5 weeks)

September 8 - October 8, 2009
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7 pm to 9 pm
Cost: $100.00 for 10 classes (inlcudes a t-shirt)
Where: 733 Euclid St. NW, WDC Between Georgia Ave and Sherman Ave

Here’s your chance to learn a unique martial art in a comfortable and fun environment. You will learn the basic movements of Capoeira Angola. Learn to sing traditional Capoeira Angola songs in Portuguese. Learn to play the berimbau, pandeiro, atabaque, and other instruments.


Kids' Session
September 12th - October 31
8 classes
every Saturday from 10 am to 11:30 am at our location in NW DC.

The price for all 8 classes is $60.00 or $7.00 per class.
Kids age 5 to 11
Parents are encouraged to take the classes as well.


Baltimore: USA: Berimbonic

A note from Jason in B-more:


Join me Friday, September 11th, 2009 at 6pm in Baltimore as I, along with hopefully you, present to the Baltimore community 'BERIMBONIC'- a gallery show all about our favorite instrument, the Berimbau.

I am working to create a show that presents the history of the musical bow along with the possibilities of the Berimbau as a work of art in a manner that is accessible to children and adults.

Baltimore is a city that thrives on tradition, and this show is one more step in building a tradition of Capoeira Angola here. I would ask that as an Angoleiro, if you plan on attending the opening to wear white- there will be a Rodinha. The show will run for three weeks and I have attached the flyer for the event to this email- please send it to everyone you know and encourage them to support this event. After the opening there will be a party in my loft, cerveza/capirinha/music, etc. Hope to see you!

Friday, September 11th, 2009
6pm-8pm (Party 8pm-...)


Gallery 1448
1448 E. Baltimore St
Baltimore, MD 21231

For more info, call 443.722.6596 or email me @ jharris_home AT lycos DOT com

See you all there!


Campos dos Goitacazes, Brazil: November Roda

Mestre Baianinho and Grupo de Capoeira Angola Memorial ao Mestre Dendê invite everyone to take part in the 8th Capoeira Angola Festival that will take place at the Escola Estadual José do Patrocínio.

When: November 8, 2009, 9 am
Street: Core De Alvarenga S/N
Neighborhood: Parque Leopoldina, Campos dos Goitacazes, RJ
Telephone: 022 99332284 02299937200
E-mail: faustinhocapoeira (at) hotmail (dot) com

We hope to see you there.

muito axé camaradas.....


Madrid, Spain: M Boca do Rio & Cm Dirceu

A note from Spain:

Capoeira Angola Encounter
October 2 - 4
Madrid, Spain

Mestre Boca do Rio (Grupo Zimba)
Contramestre Dirceu de Angola (GCALV)

Schedule of Events:
Friday, 10 -02
Opening Roda
7 pm

Saturday, 10-03
Music, Movements, Singing, Roda
10:30 am – 8 pm

Sunday, 10 -04
Music, Movements, Singing, Closing Roda
10:30 am – 6 pm

Escuela de baile “nacho’s”
c/ Santa Isabel, 9

Metro: Antón Martín, línea 1

Grupo Capoiera Angola Liberdade Vadiar

telephone: 692139571, 634635041, 617745054
email: gcalv (dot) madrid (at) gmail (dot) com


Encuentro de Capoeira Angola
02 – 04 de octubre
Madrid, España

Mestre Boca do Rio (Grupo Zimba)
Contramestre Dirceu de Angola (GCALV)


viernes, 02/10/09
roda de aperture

sábado, 03/10/09
ritmo,movimiento, canto, roda
10:30 – 20h

domingo, 04/10/09
ritmo,movimiento, canto, roda de clausura
10:30 – 18h

Escuela de baile “nacho’s”
c/ Santa Isabel, 9

Metro: Antón Martín, línea 1

Grupo Capoiera Angola Liberdade Vadiar

telefonos: 692139571, 634635041, 617745054
correo: gcalv (ponto) madrid (arroba) gmail (ponto) com

Have fun! Muchas gracias, Pedro Rasta por la informacion.


Stockholm, Sweden: M Valmir & Aloan

Information on an upcoming event in Europe:

Capoeira Angola Workshops
with Mestre Valmir & Aloan Fica Bahia
1 - 4 October 2009
Stockholm, Sweden

6:30 - 9 pm
Bla Huset, Tensta gangem 55

6 - 9 pm
Tensta Hallen, Tensta Plan

10 am - 6 pm

10 am - 5 pm

Mestre Valmir is not just famous for his capoeira, but also for his mission to turn young students from high risk areas into good leaders. In 2005, he visit Sweden for his first time together with two young capoeiristas Adjair & Yuka from Massaranduba, an unprivileged neighborhood in Salvador to talk about capoeira and young people from the neighborhood.

Aloan is a student of Mestre Valmir and trains as well as teaches at FICA Bahia in Salvador. Aloan, despite his young age, is a well-known capoeirista. He grew up surrounded by capoeira and started to teach in 2005. Aloan is a responsible leader and a very good berimbau teacher. Aloan visited Stockholm from February to March and just returned to Stockholm to participate in Karnevalsommar – Rhythm against violence.

Special Program
Juan Romero from Yakumbé worked with Aloan in Karnevalsommar and will teach how to play sambareagge and other Brazilian rythms during the workshop.

Special Invited Guests
BAGUNCACO from Alagoas/Salvador, Brazil together with Tensta Samba Kids

To particpate in our event:
Payment in advance: 700 skr
Post giro 836 07 13-5, Fica - Stockholm
Payment at the door: 800 skr
Register at ficasweden (at) ya
hoo (dot) se
Housing will be arranged.

How to get there.

Thanks to Onca for the information.


Soustons, France: Dendê da Bahia in Europe

IV Capoeira Angola Encounter
Terreiro Mandinga de Angola

“Dendê da Bahia no TMA”

Mestre Pedrinho de Caxais
Mestre Boca do Rio (Grupo Zimba)

Association Culturelle Capoeira Angola
August 28, 29 & 30, 2009

Salle Marensine, Soustons
For more information, contact tel: 0698837456
mestrepedrinho.cobra.fr (at) gmail (dot) com

Thanks to Jagad for the information.


IV Evenement Capoeira Angola
Terreiro Mandinga de Angola

Dendê da Bahia no TMA”

Mestre Pedrinho de Caxais
Mestre Boca do Rio (Grupo Zimba)

Association Culturelle Capoeira Angola
28, 29 & 30 de août 2009

Salle Marensine, Soustons
Por tout renseignement tel: 0698837456
mestrepedrinho.cobra.fr (arroba) gmail (ponto) com

Merci beaucoup, Jagad.


Washington, DC, USA: Pastinha - Zumbi 2009

Hey folks: the annual FICA Pastinha/Zumbi weekend will be held in DC this year. Here is what we have so far. Hope you all can make it.

Thursday, November 12th:
7pm-10 pm: Opening Celebration and Roda

Friday, November 13th:
10 am-12pm: Workshops
12pm-3pm: Lunch and Optional Roda
3pm-5pm: Workshops
5pm-7pm: Dinner and Optional Roda
7pm-9pm: Workshops
9pm-11pm: Optional Roda

Saturday, November 14th:
10 am-12pm: Workshops
12pm-3pm: Lunch and Optional Roda
3pm-5pm: Workshops
8:30pm-11pm: Party

Sunday, November 15th:
10 am-12pm: Workshops
12pm-2pm: Lunch and Panel Discussion
2pm-6pm: Closing Roda

(This is a draft schedule and is subject to change)

Invited Mestres: Mestre Cobra Mansa, Mestre Jurandir & Mestre Valmir

Conference Costs:
Received by October 1st: $75.00 (by cash or check, make check to ICAF-DC)
Received October 1st: $78.00 (using PayPal send to ficadc@hotmail.com)

After October 1st: $90.00 (by cash or check, make check to ICAF-DC)
After October 1st: $93.00 (using PayPal send to ficadc@hotmail.com)

Register here!!

For questions or concerns e-mail us at ficadc (at) hotmail (dot) com

Many thanks to KtS for the info.

Have an event that you would like to share with the international Capoeira Angola community? Send us the info/flyer: ficadcarchives (at) gmail (dot) com

Hamburg, Germany: VI Encontro dos amigos do Alabê

All are welcome to participate in the
VI Encontro dos amigos do Alabê

September 25 - 27
at the Centro Cultural Alabê
Hamburg, Germany

In attendance will be:
Mestre Laércio - filhos de angola
Mestre Robson Bocão - grande pequeno sou eu
Contra-mestre Silvinho - angola mae - Italy
Professor Papagaio - ginga camará - Portugal
Professor Teco - tribo do canindé - Switzerland
Professora Moranguinho - grande pequeno sou eu - Germany
Treinel Angolinha - grande pequeno sou eu - Portugal
Treinel Ceguinho - grande pequeno sou eu - Germany
Treinel Pirulito - grande pequeno sou eu - Germany


contato: pirulito (at) gmx (dot) de / 0049-163-7342318

Thanks to T Pirulito for the information.

Lausanne, Switzerland: Angoleiros do Mar in the Land of Chocolate

A note from Switzerland:

Here is the official invitation for our encounter of angoleiros in Lausanne, Switerzland -- on the shore of the lake and at the foot of the mountains in the land of chocolate!

October 9 - 11
Lausanne, Switerzland

**Invited guests:
Mestre Marcelo Angola
Mestre Laércio (Grupo Filhos de Angola)

From Grupo Angoleiros do Mar & Angoleiros do Mar -mirim!
Xinxarro-Fubuia-Charel-Bizarro-Sabugosa- & straight from Bahia: BRISA !

Prof. Marcelo Cacique (Arte Negra-F)
Prof. Paahppi (Palmares - IT)
and others

** Scene of the crime**
Friday - tba
Sat, Sun - Centre sportif UNIL de Dorigny


_Friday, 7 pm
Capoeira Class & Opening Roda

9:30 - noon: Capoeira Class - Percussionnoon
2pm: Walk to the center of the city -"Arrastao A Zuada" + Street Roda
2:30 – 6:30 pm: dance class – capoeira - roda
7:30 – 8:30 pm: Dinner – Party at the Centro Cultural Pôle Sud
9 pm: "Bate Fun Bahia Terra Boa" Open Party - Live- dj – Improv (Free Entrance)

_Sunday 11 am – 5 pm
BBQ – Lakeside Roda

** ** ** ** ** **

Costs (Swiss Franks)
weekend : 120.-chf.
Friday: 40.- chf.
Saturday: 50.-chf.
Sunday: 50.- chf.
or... 30.-chf/per class

* for our Euro friends: 60 euros/weekend

* Housing is available (bring your sleeping bag)

Information & registration by email: admlausanne (at) gmail (dot) com
tel : +41(0)78 616 23 21
Charel +41(0)78 843 81 90

See you there !! - A gente se ve là !!
Axé! Cindy-Marizia ;-)

Salvador, Brazil: Filhos de Angola Encounter

August 21, 22 & 23
Forte de Santo Antonio (Galeria dos Mestres),
Salvador de Bahia, Brazil

In attendance:
Mestre Laércio (GCFA)
Mestre Boca Rica
Mestre Cabore
Mestre Valmir (FICA)
Contramestre Pezão (GCFA)
Contramestre Gato Preto (GCFA)

Schedule of Events:
- Friday 08/21 – Opening Roda & Table of Fruits
- Saturday 08/22 & Sunday 08/23 – Trainings & Rodas
Morning Training: 10 am – 1 pm
Break: 1 – 2 pm
Afternoon Training: 2 – 4 pm
Roda: 4 – 7 pm

Price: R$40

For more information, contact:
CM Gato Preto: gato (dot) preto222 (at) ig (dot) com (dot) br - 00 55 8209599
CM Pezão: andersonfilhosdeangola (at) hotmail (dot) com - 00 55 7187638029

Have fun!